Monday, May 16, 2011

Fog, Rain, Mist, Rain and More Fog!

Enjoyed a mostly cool and rainy week in Maine. I am very grateful to the Harlow Gallery in Hallowell, Maine for the opportunity to speak, share my ppt presentation, and show paintings and sketchbooks from my month-long art residency in France. Those who gathered in the gallery that evening were very kind and generous with their enthusiasm and comments. Several signed up to paint en plein air in the Hallowell area. We'll see what we can do to get something going in the next month or so. The Maine Plein Air painters go out, usually, on Wednesdays (I was really happy to paint with them in East Boothbay on Wednesday) and the Western Maine group goes out, I think, on Saturdays. Since we all want the join up with them when we can, we will choose another day of the week for our paint out. Anyone who is interested may e-mail me and I will add their names to the list.
Most of last week was rainy, overcast, and wet. It was a challenge finding a spot to paint out with watercolors. But, I was successful going back to two locations and completing paintings I previously started. I also planted a few flowering somthings, and hope to return in a few weeks and find they are beautiful. Spent a day prepping some of the papers for future paintings. I like to thoroughly wet both sides, and lay in a transparent wash of color. I use a hair dryer to speed up the process and sometimes direct the paint into interesting patterns. Often painting on a previously tinted paper helps unify a painting. And, wetting the paper removes some of the sizing. Paintings done on a pre-washed paper have a very different look than those painted directly.
Kept up with my sketchbook most days. Hurray!! It was great fun going back over sketches (dated) from previous years and remembering the sights and weather, and reminding myself and others of great places to stop and paint. Also, had a good couple of evenings drawing ancestors from old photos! We had some awesome family gatherings, both my family and my husband's family. I'm reminded we have to make our own good times.

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